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Andrew McLellan, CBAA's Community Radio Network, 21st January 2019

Since 1978, Mark ‘The Colonel’ Doherty has presented Nothin’ But The Blues, week-in, week-out on 4ZZZ in Brisbane and for the last two decades nationally on the Community Radio Network.


hfriedlander, 18th July 2018

Research by the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) shows 48% of women working in media have experienced intimidation, abuse or sexual harassment in the workplace and this troubling statistic hasn't changed much over the last two decades

hfriedlander, 22nd June 2018

Then we came up with this bright idea: why not start up our own radio station . . . Fill the gap? Which we did. And it worked. That was 17 years ago.


hfriedlander, 13th June 2018

Bucketts Radio in Gloucester is now in its ninth year of operation, and run by a small band of dedicated volunteers. Three of the volunteers are NDIS supported.

Kaarina Lindell recording an Edison Phonograph at Resurrection Radio

hfriedlander, 8th May 2018

How do you pitch to the National Features and Documentary Series?

hfriedlander, 13th January 2018

The CBAA’s Suicide Prevention Program' has recently been expanded, with a stronger focus on promoting support for young people at risk.

hfriedlander, 5th January 2018

Learn more about Amrap and the support it provides Australian musicians and program makers!

Audiocraft 2016 credit Ash Berdebes

hfriedlander, 18th July 2017

Get practical tips and techniques on how savvy radio minds draw out stories and interview subjects.

Deutsche Welle - Ineke Mules

hfriedlander, 14th July 2017

Almost 30 Australian community broadcasters have benefited from a paid internship opportunity to travel to Germany and join the team in the Deutsche Welle newsroom. Read Ineke's story.

2MCR logo

hfriedlander, 5th July 2017

Research offers access to critical information in both station operations and governance. Knowing the listening interests of your audience leads to well informed programming, for example.

Caitlin Nienaber

hfriedlander, 16th June 2017

An impressive 2,000 hours of Australian music is aired on community radio each week by thousands of enthusiastic program makers with a passion for homegrown artists. 

Chelsea Deeley 2

hfriedlander, 1st March 2017

When I first walked up the stairs and into Eastside Radio, the idea of being an on-air presenter was the furthest thing from my mind.

PBS training

enadmin, 22nd February 2017

Great initiatives that are happening at the moment within the community broadcasting sector to encourage more women and gender diverse people into broadcasting roles.

James Findlay

enadmin, 15th February 2017

James Findlay and Adrian McEniery will soon be graduates from the AFTRS 100% online Radio Content and Program Director’s Course, but they are already reaping the benefits of the learning combined with years of their own hard work and determination. Both have secured great new jobs – James at Triple J and Adrian at 3MBS Melbourne.

40 years of 4ZZZ poster

enadmin, 8th February 2017

Community owned and run radio stations weave a rich history throughout their years on air.

Chryss Carr

Amrap, 3rd February 2017

Australian music airplay is one of the main reasons why 5 million people tune to community radio each week and our broadcasters passionately support australian artists.

Great idea

enadmin, 2nd February 2017

My Voice, My Ability, My Rights is just one of multiple shows at CHY FM 104.1 led by young people with disabilities.

CC the Cat

Amrap, 20th January 2017

In this ongoing CBX series, we catch up with amazing Australian broadcasters and musicians to explore community radio's role in supporting Australian music.

8CCC cafe

hfriedlander, 20th January 2017

Small stations, especially those in regional, rural and remote areas, know intimately the challenges of running a community station — both financially and in terms of engaging their audience. However when new trials arise, these stations also exercise great flexibility and find highly inventive ways in which to move forward.