Get Community Radio Broadcasting Info and Advice
The CBAA is the go-to source for up to date information and advice and services tailored to your station’s needs.
Get advice on all community broadcasting matters
Just give us a call - 02 9310 2999 - or send an email. Our experienced staff are available to provide advice tailored to individual CBAA members on all community broadcasting matters, including but not limited to broadcast law, copyright, training, station management, human resources, technical suppliers, programming, fundraising, tax, sponsorship and handling complaints.
Are you based in or travelling to Sydney? We'd love to hear from you! Get in touch and let us know when you'll be in town and we can arrange a meeting. This could include a Coffee & Codes session for your station, giving a run down on and answering your questions about the Codes of Practice.
Use online learning resources
The CBAA's Resource Library and Webinar program are great resources to learn about topics of interest to people in a variety of roles at community radio stations.