
Our Structure 

The CBAA is a company limited by guarantee. We're also a large registered not-for-profit entity under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 (Cth) (ACNC Act).

For the purposes of the ACNC Act Governance Standard 1, the CBAA’s charitable purpose is advancing culture.

Our Constitution 

The CBAA Constitution - passed by special resolution on 28 October 2022.pdf - outlines the rules of the organisation as well as our aims and objectives. These include:

  • supporting the development of community broadcasting in Australia;
  • promoting community participation in community broadcasting
  • promoting the sector by supporting community broadcasters in the following ways:
    1. providing a range of services to Members and other relevant organisations including information, legal, financial, technical, programming and staff training services;

    2. co-ordinating on a national level the efforts of Members and other relevant organisations having similar aims and objects;

    3. undertaking research on behalf of the community broadcasting sector;

    4. providing infrastructure and technology support services to the community broadcasting sector including transmission and content delivery infrastructure; and

    5. representing Members both nationally and internationally to government and other bodies;

  • enabling the promotion of the various arts which are promoted through community broadcasting

  • encouraging the promotion and distribution of Australian music through The Australian Music Radio Airplay Project (AMRAP)

  • promoting the creation and distribution of radio programmes through the Community Radio Network.

Our Board

The governing body of our organisation, the Board, provides oversight within the framework of relevant legislation (including the Corporations Act and the ACNC Act), the Constitution and the CBAA Board Charter.

The responsibilities of the Board include setting and reviewing our strategic direction, monitoring organisational performance, the appointment of the CEO and deciding on key policy positions to take on behalf of directors.

The Board will comprise: (i) not fewer than seven (7) Member Elected Directors; and (ii) up to two (2) Appointed Directors. The Board appoint the President, and Vice President annually. The procedure for the appointment of directors can be found in our Constitution and By-Laws.

Meet Our Board

Diversity Board

The CBAA respects and values the competitive advantage of diversity, and the benefit of its integration throughout the organisation, in order to enrich our perspective, improve performance, increase member value, and enhance the probability of achievement of our goals and objectives. See the CBAA Diversity Policy for further information.

CBAA Board members at the Annual General Meeting

Meet the Team

Our Board & Staff