Developing a Diversity Inclusion, Equity and Access Framework


The CBAA is working towards a Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Access Framework and a Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan.

One of the greatest things about our sector is our diversity. We serve and are part of communities in regional and remote Australia, First Nations communities, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, faith-based communities, youth and seniors’ communities, the LGBTIQA+ community, people with a disability, and diverse arts and music communities. We play a vital role throughout Australia, providing a platform for our communities to speak up and connect.

Community broadcasting is an important vehicle for supporting diverse voices, and it's important that our members and station participants have a peak body that truly understands them and supports them.

This year one of our key priorities is to review and improve our way of working - both how we function as an organisation and how we can support stations in their own pursuit of diversity, inclusion, equity and access.

Diversity data  

We have been collecting data to understand what diversity looks like at the CBAA and in the sector. 

The CBAA Board and staff have completed the first Diversity Survey to measure our current makeup and to guide our efforts to make our workplace more safe, supportive and inclusive. 

We have also just finished collecting data for the sector’s biggest-ever Participation Census, which will help us better understand our sector’s volunteers and workers. The data will be available by the end of the financial year. This data will be integral as we shape our goals and work towards the development of our Framework and Roadmap.

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Access Framework

Our Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Access Framework will have two parts – one focused on the CBAA as an organisation, and one that includes tools to support stations.

Our Framework will explore focus areas, such as Leadership, Representation, Communication, Workplace, Flexibility, Recruitment, and Development. The Framework will outline the immediate, short-term and long-term actions we can take to ensure our organisational culture is equitable, access-focused, inclusive and values diversity. 

So far to date we have:
  • Conceptualised framework and initial priority areas
  • Conducted desk research on best practice in other organisations
  • Started the design of consultation mechanisms in line with our Member and Stakeholder Engagement Framework
  • Joined the Inclusion Strategy Working Group with members of the Community Broadcasting Sector Roundtable, which is looking at diversity from a whole-of-sector perspective.
Reconciliation Action Plan

The CBAA has registered to develop our Reflect RAP with Reconciliation Australia. Our RAP will lay the foundation for CBAA’s reconciliation initiatives and improve the way we hire staff, find suppliers, support our partners and promote reconciliation through our work. It will increase our understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge, rights and protocols, and help to ensure that the CBAA is a safe and supportive place for current and future First Nations staff. We will be consulting on the development of our RAP, stay tuned for more updates.

Progress so far

Although the Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Access Framework and RAP are in the early stages of research, consultation and drafting – the process is already impacting our organisation and way of working. We have reviewed our Acknowledgement of Country protocol and were grateful to have Blak Douglas paint a design as part of the new protocol. We are increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses we are using by utilising Supply Nation. Our recruitment processes have been updated, which has increased the number of people with diverse backgrounds joining the CBAA team.

Watch this space for more info or contact Frieda Lee via [email protected] or on 02 9310 2999.