Tailored Data For Your Station



There are three data options available to community radio stations, which come from the Community Radio Listener Survey and the Station Community Engagement Survey.

Community Radio Listener Survey Community Radio Listener Survey Wave 1 2021

The Community Radio Listener Survey is a survey of the community radio listening habits of Australians. It is conducted on behalf of the CBAA by McNair yellowSquares.  

CBAA offers the survey data to our stations freely in a dashboard, which provide a snapshot of community radio audiences across various geographies and broadcasting markets. For specific data focused on your station and listeners, CBAA also offers tailored Station Listener Reports. 

Station Listener Reports

CBAA’s Station Listener Reports are produced using data from the Community Radio Listener Survey. These reports are an excellent tool for stations to use in identifying listening habits and presenting data to potential station sponsors because they offer audience reach, listener figures and more. This information is also aids in reporting to regulators and funding bodies.

Station Listener Reports are the gold standard for potential sponsors of community radio stations. To inquire about a Station Listener Report for your station, contact the CBAA on 02 9310 2999 or email [email protected].

Station Engagement Surveys

Station Engagement Surveys are another option for stations where the Community Radio Listener Survey is not available and are supported by the CBAA. The Station Engagement Survey is a do-it-yourself, affordable audience research option that profiles your listeners – helping you understand who is listening to your station.

The CBAA also provides tailored support to help you reach respondents and understand and utilise the report insights. Engagement survey insights can help you grow your sponsor base, secure philanthropic funding, and tailor your programming to meet your community need.

There are three types of Station Engagement Surveys:

1. Engagement – profiles station listening and engagement

2. Content – provides detailed feedback on content

3. Sponsorship – evaluates major campaigns for sponsorship

For more information about the CBAA audience research program or to inquire about purchasing research for your station, please contact the CBAA on 02 9310 2999 or email [email protected].