WEBINAR: Upcoming Federal Election – how to ask the tough questions - 12 October 2021
In the lead up to the next Federal election, community broadcasters are in a fantastic position to act as a conduit between politicians and our communities.
Many community radio stations engage politically – strengthening communities by ensuring they get access to the information they need to help them make informed decisions.
If you are an interviewer, producer, or content maker, it’s important to ask politicians diverse questions – including the tough ones.
In this webinar you will:
- Learn how to undertake critical engagement interviews with politicians
- Build awareness of the current political climate in Canberra
- Learn what the sector’s major campaign ask is for the election and how to work it into your interviews
Who is this webinar for?
- Anyone working in community radio that engages with politicians – whether you are an interviewer, producer, current affairs reporter, news journalist or Program Director.
- Station Managers or people looking to increase their station’s political engagement
Presented by:
Holly Friedlander Liddicoat - CBAA Head of Advocacy and Communications
Holly has been working and volunteering in independent and community music and arts media since 2010. Working as the CBAA's Head of Advocacy and Communications, Holly supports the sector's leadership efforts and liaises with Government, as well as ensuring our members have the information they need to be strong and successful.
Amanda Copp - Political Reporter, National Radio News – Canberra - Community Radio Network
Amanda Copp is the federal political reporter for Community Radio Network and National Radio News. She is based in the Parliament House press gallery in Canberra and covers all things politics for the sector. Before coming to community radio she worked at SBS and Fairfax papers in a range of roles. Working for community radio is somewhat of a homecoming, after cutting her journalistic teeth at 2SER radio during her university years. Amanda is also the creator and co-host of the Bubble Pop political podcast, which airs on CRN each weekend.
Sharon Davis
Sharon Davis is a multi-award winning investigative journalist and audio producer. She is a four-time Walkley award winner and has also won numerous international awards at the New York International Radio Festival and Chicago's Third Coast Festival. Sharon’s radio career began at 2SER, and she is a passionate supporter of community radio. She is currently developing a new investigative podcast to be released next year.
CBAA Fact Sheet - The Federal Election and Community Radio
- Understand what the CBAA is advocating for on behalf of the sector, and get key talking points to assist your broadcasters.
- Interview question tips
- Political interviewing guidance notes.
CBAA Political Engagement Toolkit
Designed for staff, volunteers and committee members at Australian community radio stations, this toolkit highlights the need for and benefits of political engagement as well as providing easy to follow insights into how to do it successfully. The CBAA Political Engagement Toolkit is available here.
ACMA political and election matter guidelines
These guidelines are intended to:
- assist licensees in identifying political and election matter
- increase awareness and understanding of the obligations relating to the broadcast of political matter, election matter and election advertisements
Introduction to Journalism online course
CMTO’s six-week Introduction to Journalism In Community Media online course - find out more.
Upcoming Federal Election - Webinar Presentation
Slides from our webinar.
This webinar was held at 12:00pm (AEDT) Tuesday 12 October 2021
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