Managing Conflict of Interest


Board members should always see their role as being representative; their decisions should be made with everyone in mind. 

Board/Management Committee Members often participate at the station in other operational roles, eg as announcer, producer, general volunteer, programming committee member, in station or technical management etc.

Members may also hold other professional roles, such as accountants etc. Stations should have a Conflict of Interest Policy and accompanying procedure for addressing possible conflicts between governance and operational roles.

Conflict of Interest Info Sheet

Developed by the Community Media Training Organisation.

Managing conflicts of interest guide for charities

Conflicts of interest often occur and most people will encounter them when working or volunteering with a charity. They do not need to be a serious problem. However, if not managed properly, a conflict of interest can damage your organisation's reputation and, in serious cases, lead to breaches of the law. The Australian Charities and Not for profits Commission (ACNC) is the national independent regulator of charities. The ACNC's Managing conflicts of interest guide has been developed to help explain what conflicts of interest are and how they can be managed.