Get to know Small Business Banter

amclellan, 9th July 2020

Each week Small Business Banter features interviews with small to medium business experts and other business owners.

Starting on the Community Radio Network in July 2020, the episodes aims to support regional Australian business with practical tips and relevant information.

We spoke with Michael Kerr from the show.

Where did the idea of Small Business Banter come from?

In recent years regional small business owners have been knocked about by one challenge after another.

As a result there are flow-on effects which are felt directly by the owner, but which also ripple through to their family members, their staff and their local communities.

David and I agreed more needed to be done and saw an opportunity to talk directly to regional owners. Community radio has long been a trusted, local source of information for regional communities, but has become even more relevant in recent times.

With our experience, we wanted to bring high-quality information and support from noted small business experts and other owners directly to regional owners and their families and others in the local community.

It's about timely and relevant information supporting regional small businesses and the people and communities that rely on them.

Small Business Banter Community Radio Network

Michael Kerr and David Gregory from Small Business Banter.
What’s your experience working in small business?

Speaking for myself, I have more than 25 years of experience working with and advising owners on buying, funding, improving and ultimately selling their business. I've been an accountant, a business banker and as an adviser in Kerr Capital which started 18 years ago.

David Gregory is the CEO and Managing Director of the Small Business Mentoring Service (SBMS) Inc, CEO of The Small Business Institute (TSBI) Pty Ltd, Vice President of the Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ).

He is a recognised small business leader and SME Global leader at the United Nations, and former member of the Victorian Small Business Ministerial Advisory Council, Expert Reference Group member for Beyond Blue, ASBFEO inquiry into insolvency impacts on SME's Reference group Member

And how do you see the particular hurdles regional and rural small businesses face?

Regional and rural small business owners have dealt head-on with a host of challenges unique to them including but not limited to the impact of the natural environment, flukey tourism markets, and a lack of access to core commercial services - for example, banking and infrastructure such as stable internet.

But the current set of challenges stemming from COVID-19 on top of fire, floods and drought have the potential to cripple many small businesses and communities. The owners of these businesses need support from their customers more than ever. But they also need to adapt their businesses to survive and prosper. This is hard for any owner at any time but more so now against the backdrop of severe personal and financial pressure just to survive.

Following COVID, what do you feel the main challenges many small businesses are dealing with?

It may be with us for a long time. Small business owners are being challenged like never before.

They need to find a way to survive but with an eye to the future. Surviving will involve tapping into all of the available resources, financial - for example, government support, and non-financial needs like mental health support.

Adapting and renewing businesses so they can prosper requires a mix of quality advice and resources from experts, and direct personal support and motivation for individual owners from sharing the success stories of other owners who have found ways to successfully adapt.  

What else are you looking forward to covering in the future of the program?

In the first run of the show we are going to cover core small business management issues and challenges including:

  • Practical marketing
  • Accessing finance (traditional and non-traditional)
  • How to outsource and employ part time and casual staff
  • Stories about how other owners are adapting
What makes you most excited about joining the Community Radio Network?

The Community Radio Network directly supports volunteer community radio and in turn local businesses and communities. These same community radio stations are also significantly challenged in keeping their stations transmitting.

We are excited to bring Small Business Banter as a source of original, quality content to play our part in dealing with Australia’s massive economic and social challenges.

Upcoming Episodes




Notes / topics

7 July

Tim Hoopman


Beyond Blue

Mental health for business owners

14 July

Matt Vitale



Equity crowd funding - an alternative funding approach for small business

21 July

Tim Reid


Small Business, Big Marketing

Helpful small business marketing

28 July

Jo Palmer


Pointer Remote

Growing your business through outsourcing and employing

4 Aug

John Hall


Cactus Country

Social media

11 Aug

Joe Formichella

Head of Small Business Banking

Bendigo Bank

Banking for small business

18 Aug

Rob Pierce



Intellectual property - what is it and how does it help grow your business

25 Aug

David Gregory


Small Business Mentroing Service

Mentoring for small business owners

1 Sept

Anthony Turner

Author & Mentor

Small Business Mentroing Service

Preparing for and surviving small business disaster

For CRN subscribers:

  • Small Business Banter (27'50) is broadcast/distributed by CRN Tuesdays from 10:32 EST/EDT, and is available for DDN capture
  • Download and alternative delivery options available
  • For more information contact CRN staff on 02 9310 2999 or email [email protected]
Not a CRN subscriber, but want to find out more about getting content like this for your station? Read more here.


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A guide to the programs currently being broadcast/distributed via the CBAA's Community Radio Network to community radio stations all over Australia.



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Very few scholars of community radio in Britain have discussed funding in detail since the introduction of full-time community radio licences in the country (Lewis 1977, 2008, 2012; Lewis and Booth 1989). Some have pointed out the possible pitfalls in the British case of reliance on social objectives funding (Gordon 2009). Bearing in mind the historical development of community radio in the United Kingdom, this article, traces the contours of the origins and development of community radio under the New Labour government. It discusses how the change in the political landscape, with the landslide victory of the Labour Party in 1997, affected the social, cultural and media policies that followed. While, in the end, the sector got what it had campaigned for since the first lobbying efforts in 1977 (Lewis and Booth 1989), the current shape of the sector was much influenced by the political context after 1997 and the strategies adopted to get the legislation through in 2004.