5RPH Iris studio

New Community Digital Radio Service - 5RPH IRIS

Alex White, 14th October 2011

5RPH has introduced a second digital radio service, IRIS. IRIS  focuses upon the reading of lifestyle content sourced from magazines, Adelaide based newspapers and from other services provided by the national radio and print handicapped network.

The addition of IRIS allows 5RPH to provide a greater variety of reading services than would otherwise be possible. This programming is essential for people who, for a range of reasons, are unable to access print based information.

Feedback from listeners has been very positive. Due to the improved audio quality of digital radio, older listeners are reporting they are finding it much easier to hear and understand voice based content. Many listeners who have been in touch with 5RPH are new listeners who recently discovered the 5RPH services via the digital radio dial.

5RPH is able to broadcast two digital services by splitting the available bit rate. IRIS is run on an 8hr rotation, three times per day.

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As always, community broadcasters featured strongly in the Governor General's Australia Day Honours List, in addition to various other local community awards announced as part of Australia Day celebrations.


Adelaide's 6 city wide stations launched their services with outside broadcasts in the central marketplace at 7am on Friday the 15th of April, providing the public with free doughnuts in the shapes of ones and zeros.


The CBAA is pleased to see the launch of a new digital Radio for the Print Handicapped (RPH) service in Perth, returning radio reading services to those in the community with a print disability.