3MBS Inside Out

New 3MBS Program Inside Out Launches

Alex White, 30th April 2013

A new collaboration between Melbourne stations 3MBS and 3RPH Vision Australia has produced a unique program that hosts discussions on a range of arts related topics with a group of industry commentators. 

Curated and hosted by Marshall McGuire, forum discussion topics for this series include ‘Creative Cities’, disabilities in the arts, the evolving art forms of opera and musical theatre, creative leadership in regional Australia, the artistic expat experience and more. There will also be a live performance at each forum and audiences will be encouraged to attend and engage with the discussions.

Through partnership with the University of Melbourne, the objective of the program is to deepen listener knowledge and appreciation of fine music and the arts, through the exploration and examination of contemporary arts practice and the community, and the relationship between art forms. 

Head to the 3MBS website for more information.

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