CBAA supports the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework

Frieda Lee, 17th February 2022

The CBAA has made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s consultation on the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework.

The CBAA voiced our support for the development of a Framework and made some recommendations about the inclusion of community media targets.

We recommended that the framework contain:

A Guiding Principle about diverse voices being meaningfully and significantly represented in the media.

A National Outcome that highlights the vital role that Governments and stakeholders play in:

  • Encouraging the participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culturally and linguistically diverse people in the media;
  • Supporting First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse media organisations;
  • Ensuring First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse communities have access to information and news that is in-language, culturally specific and culturally safe; and
  • Advancing digital inclusion, particularly for remote First Nations communities.

Our submission can be accessed on our Submissions Page.

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2022 was a big year in advocacy for the CBAA. We have worked hard to ensure that community broadcasting is front of mind in any government process on emergency management, news, and community resilience. We have cemented strong relationships with policy makers across the political spectrum and secured ongoing funding vital to the sector’s ability to stay on air.

Here is a snapshot of our advocacy efforts and impacts over 2022.


The Federal Government has published the report of the Multicultural Framework Review and the Government’s Response. The Review and their recommendations have captured the vital role of ethnic and multicultural broadcasters in creating a welcoming Australia and enhancing a sense of belonging for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.  


We’ve had a busy start to the year and things are getting busier with the 2022 Federal Election fast approaching. Here is a snapshot of our advocacy efforts and impacts since the last sector leadership update in December 2021.