Last night’s Federal Budget has been disappointing for community broadcasters.
The Budget for community broadcasters has been maintained – in line with the status quo – but it has failed to deliver the sustainable funding base required for community broadcasting to meet current demands and address the growing needs of our communities.
The Federal Budget sees funding for the Community Broadcasting Program increase nominally, in line with inflation to $22.5 million in 2024-25.
Our Advocacy for Sustainable Funding
Just over 6 months ago, community broadcasters launched Roadmap 2033: Community Broadcasting’s plan for greater impact in every Australian Community over the next decade – the product of a year’s worth of consultation and co-design with100s of representatives of stations and sector organisations.
Roadmap 2033 has been welcomed by the Federal Government because of the positive impact community broadcasting promised to deliver to address community challenges.
give more Australians access to trusted, independent, local news and information from diverse sources
play a unique, hyperlocal role communicating emergency information and provide more support to build community resilience in times of disaster
support self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and close the gap in social and economic outcomes
elevate Australian music, arts and cultural industries
strengthen social and economic inclusion and cohesion
support settlement of new migrant groups and strengthen multiculturalism
provide more skilled career pathways into the media and communications industry for all communities
CBAA has met with 60 MPs and Senators about the Roadmap and there is strong support across the Parliament for the Community Broadcasting sector’s plan.
Unfortunately, that support has not translated to action in the 24-25 Budget.
Increased funding is critical to our future impact
Increased, long-term and secure funding from the Australian Government is urgently required to support community broadcasting to deliver these positive impacts for our communities.
CBAA understands that many stations are struggling financially to maintain their services. Every year CBF Funding Rounds are heavily oversubscribed with an average of $9.5 million in grant applications unable to be met each year. Until funding is substantially increased CBF grants will remain highly competitive, and many stations will be unable to secure grants for programs, community engagement and critical investments in station operations.
Continuing the conversation
The task is now for CBAA, sector organisation and community broadcasters to continue the conversation with the Government, and local MPs about the funding needs of our sector and the positive impact we can deliver for our communities.
CBAA remains confident of meaningful progress in the future.
The Government’s Revive cultural policy commits the Government to action ‘Increase support for community broadcasting to deliver local news, tell local stories and provide a platform for diverse voices and Australian music’.
The Government came to office in 2022 with a commitment to review the sustainability of community broadcasting including consideration of the adequacy of Federal Government funding for the Community Broadcasting Program and Indigenous Media and Broadcasting Program. Over 18 months have passed since the review commenced.
The CBAA encourages the Government to urgently conclude its review process (commenced November 2022) and deliver on its commitment under Revive (launched January 2023) to increase support for community broadcasting.
Community Broadcasting Program Budget ($ ,000)
2023-24 (Estimated Actual)
For more information or for any inquiries contact CBAA Head of Advocacy and Communications, Reece Kinnane (P: (02) 9318 9632; 0420 525 526; [email protected])