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Radio Pioneer Charles Maclurcan

eramsay, 24th September 2015

Revealing the passion of radio innovator Charles Maclurcan, who "wound up the cat and put the clock out".

It's the Satanic Verses, Love (3RPH, Vision Australia Melbourne) Womens Book Club

eramsay, 24th September 2015

One of the first audio books Ruth Mercer read after joining the RVIB (Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind) library some thirty years ago was Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses. The postman delivered all 32 tapes to her front door and announced “It’s the Satanic Verses, love”.

Fairlight: How Australia Changed the Sound of Music, Image of a Fairlight CMI synthesiser & sampler

eramsay, 23rd September 2015

How two computer nerds in a Sydney basement created a machine that would change the face of contemporary music composition.

Image of live stand up comedian

eramsay, 23rd September 2015

Standing up in front of a room full of strangers and trying to make them laugh sounds like a daunting task to most people. Now imagine being one of the relatively small handful of women trying to do just that, in a field still dominated by men.

Relation / Expectation documentray artwork

eramsay, 23rd September 2015

Fragments of conversations seeped in emotion, stories, ponderings and thought bubbles.

Image by Lisa Burns for Cathedral of a Thousand Stars Doco

eramsay, 23rd September 2015

The desert seems like an unlikely place for things to grow, but they do… you just have to look a little bit harder to find them.

Cracked Open, Image of campaigner Pam Clarke

eramsay, 18th September 2015

What's going on in the industry right now. Laws aren't really protecting hens or consumers and why this matters.

I, the Many; We, the One

eramsay, 18th September 2015

Welcome to the world of Multiple Personalities, or ‘multiples’ for short.

Kabul to Kafka: Inside Australia's Community Detention program

eramsay, 18th September 2015

Taking an inside look at what life is like for children and young adults who arrive in Australia alone

Building Bridges Album Art, Australia Has A Black History

eramsay, 18th September 2015

Soaked in inspirational tunes this feature asks, as the Building Bridges Association did nearly three decades ago, what kind of Australia do we want to call home?