Latest news


cbaacomms, 5th January 2020

Did you know that you can use the CBAA’s National Listener Survey (NLS) data to communicate your station's important role in your community to government, grant providers and potential sponsors?

Jon Bisset, CBAA's Chief Executive Officer, 29th January 2019

A key strategy of the CBAA is to assist stations to build their capacity. This means, helping your station to build its skills, resources, knowledge, personnel, infrastructure, content and income to continue trhiving and growing to meet the current and changing needs of your community.  

CBAA Webinars

hfriedlander, 7th July 2017

*Past webinar - click through to view webinar recording*

Running a radio station is an expensive undertaking and accessing multiple revenue streams can help keep a station running and secure its future. But where can you get money from? And how?

CBAA Conference 2016

hfriedlander, 25th November 2016

Should your station register as a charity? The short answer is, yes.