
Community Radio Plus Summer 24-25 Competition

By CBAA Comms posted 18-11-2024 12:35


We're launching another Community Radio Plus competition this summer!

Play our professionally produced radio promos this summer to go into the draw to win one of two $200 JB Hi-Fi vouchers! Simply play the new radio spots at least 21 times a week, with a minimum of 3 per day, throughout the competition period. See terms and conditions for detailed information. 

Last time, stations that played the promos 21 times a week increased average weekly stream starts on the app by 31% (compared to the prior 4 weeks).

Hear the promos: 

Reach Your Audience

Today, listeners are consuming content across a variety of devices and platforms. Community media need to stay relevant. Through Community Radio Plus, your listeners can tune into your station anytime, anywhere.

Create Your Own Promos

Prefer to produce your own promos? Go for it! To be part of the competition, simply email your promos to us by Friday 22 November so we can automatically track them to ensure you’re part of the competition.

Start Playing 

Find and download the promos here.

Check out the Community Radio Plus page for more info about the app. 



