CBF Governance & Structure Review – The Next Stage
The Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) is proposing significant reform to its structure and governance and is calling for feedback on its new proposed model. Last week, the CBF published a consultation paper detailing this new model and is inviting comment and feedback on the proposed changes.
According to the CBF, the new model draws on elements of the independent Nous Group review, sector feedback on that review (including a CBAA submission, and internal analysis of the Foundation’s operation to date.
The CBAA Board is supportive of CBF reform and considers the review as a constructive step in ensuring that the CBF can deliver on its mission and support the community broadcasting sector well into the future.
With regards to the proposed model, the CBAA is pleased that a significant portion of our early feedback has been accepted. The CBAA Board supports a large portion of the CBF’s proposals, including the guiding principles being used in consideration to these changes. The CBAA wants to ensure that appropriate checks and balances continue to exist and that the CBF of the future will work within a framework of sector priorities.
The CBAA will continue to work constructively with the CBF to assist them in the development of a considered and well informed path forward. We also encourage stations and other stakeholders to engage constructively in the consultation process and for anyone with an interest in the matter to let us know what they think.
The CBF has indicated that it is expected that the new structure and governance model will be finalised and announced in September, with changes implemented in the 2016/17 financial year.
In April 2014, the CBF appointed Nous Group to undertake an independent review of CBF’s Structure and Governance. The objective of the consultancy was to provide an independent assessment of how the CBF can best structure its governance and funding programs to serve the needs of the community broadcasting sector in the medium term. Based on this evaluation, the consultants provided 34 recommendations for variation to the CBF’s current structure and governance, and the funding model that underpins them.
In October 2014, the CBF called for comment on the Nous Group report, for consideration in their next stages of planning. The CBAA consulted its members and made a submission based on this feedback.
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