Sustaining Women's Empowerment in Communities and Organisations

enadmin, 25th September 2012

Sustaining Women's Empowerment in Communities and Organisations (SWECO)  is now open for applications from Australian women and men and will close on 22 November 12.

The Australian Centre for Leadership for Women's ‘Sustaining Women’s Empowerment in Communities and Organisations’ (SWECO) Award aims to honour male and female individuals and groups who have developed a sustainable initiative to empower women in a community or organisation.

Established in 2011, SWECO’s first round of winners were commended for their leadership, determination and collaboration in establishing significant initiatives for women in the community and in the workplace.

Click here for more information and the application for 2013 SWECO.

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This paper considers the potential of community based information and communication technology (ICT) centres to support and promote the democratic voice. It does so through presenting comparative research findings from eight ICT centres in South Asia. The research uses a methodology that combines ethnographic approaches with action research. Here I look at the notion of ‘democratic voice’ in a loosely defined sense, referring to the ability of ‘ordinary’ people to access media and other information and communication technologies, and to create their own local content. As such it describes to some extent the processes of ‘metamorphosis’ involved in ‘citizen’s media’ participants becoming, through these activities, ‘active citizens’ (Rodriguez 2004). At a point in time when alternative media studies are recognising a new relevance and development communication research facing a crisis in direction, this paper considers research findings emerging from and utilised in community based ICT initiatives across South Asia. Looking at the research in a comparative framework, lessons can be learned about the relevance of community media for supporting democratic voice, and the processes that are most likely to achieve this.


If at age 73, you were to be invited to climb Mount Kilmanjaro in Africa, what would be your response? For many of us around that age, it would possibly be a very firm “No way!”.


A second round of General - Sustainability & Development grants is now open and as a priority, the Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) are keen to receive applications that propose innovative projects that will foster youth leadership in the community broadcasting sector or will empower young people to become successful leaders and create positive change in community broadcasting.