Sexual Harassment - Know Your Station's Obligations


Research by the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) shows 48% of women working in media have experienced intimidation, abuse or sexual harassment in the workplace and this troubling statistic hasn't changed much over the last two decades.

As community radio stations we are media organisations, and we must contribute to an inclusive and cohesive Australian community - both within our stations for staff and volunteers and outside for our listeners and communities.

WEBINAR: Safe stations – what you need to know about preventing sexual harassment

In this webinar you will learn:

  • What sexual harassment is and how it can be prevented
  • Your station’s obligations under relevant laws
  • What your station can do to minimise potential harm
Know Where the Line Is Posters and Infographics

The Know Where the Line Is national awareness raising strategy is a tripartite partnership between the Australian Human Rights Commission, the Australian Council of Trade Unions and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry which offers a unique and important opportunity to join forces to target employers and employees as part of broader efforts to prevent and reduce the harm of sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. This partnership recognises that not only is workplace sexual harassment an abuse of human rights, it is also something which has a negative impact on employee safety and security and is costly to businesses.


Know the line poster

Gendered Violence Facts! Talking About GV at Work

Gendered Violence is actions and behaviours which express power inequalities between women and men and cause physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm to women. Gendered violence is violence perpetrated against women because they are women. It also includes violence perpetuated against those who do not conform to dominant gender stereotypes or those who do not conform to socially accepted gender roles. Sexual harassment is a form of gendered violence.

This fact sheet provides some useful tips for talking about gendered violence in the workplace. It has been prepared by Union Women.

Infographic – Preventing sexual harassment (or right click below to download)

Infographic - Preventing-sexual-harassment

Sexual harassment policy template (updated March 2018)

Having a sexual harassment policy is vital in helping create a safe station culture and preventing harassment. This templates comes to you via the Institute of Community Directors Australia.